To keep up with google adsense business you need to prepare well blog. Following this blog you have to prepare as a condition before you enrolled in the PPC google adsense blog, no doubt to that intended blog/site quickly accepted:
- Content blog has a language that supports adsense terms. For example English, at least 75%, porsinya be great if 100%.
- for business blog newborns or newly created couple of days should be registered immediately, wait a couple of weeks. Approximately 10 days. Usahan article contains at least ten more posts, more good stuff. The contents of the article do not gradually at the same time, so at least make 2 postings per day.
- at the time of sign up and wait for approve, please keep posting every day.
- wear a blogspot Blog platform we recommend against using the default template/default of blogspot. Later adsense brokerage suspect that her blog purposely created specifically to only display ads from google adsense. Diluaran many koq website/web-web provides free templates with various themes and exciting to taste as well as the needs of our blog theme.
- If you want to quickly approve use their own domain name and hosting his using, must live on thanks Adsensenya
- on the Title/title of the blog and blog content, content with keyword that smelled of money or selling, for example has a value of: make money online, adsense tips, online business, affiliate marketing, seo marketing, Gadgets, etc. Jgn use keyword "online business", because it is not sold for the global market.
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