If in the previous article I discussed about online marketing management in General, in this article I will be focusing on marketing management services that will discuss about sense services, marketing strategy, marketing services and online services.
Terms Of Services
In this case, I cite the opinion of Philip Kotler (2000), which defines services as any action or activity that can be offered by one party to the other party, that is essentially intangible and does not result in ownership of any kind. Production can be associated or not associated with a physical product.
These opinions are supported by Christopher Lovelock & Lauren k. Wright (1999), argues for the "service is the action or performance offered a party to the other party. Though the process may be associated with physical product, its performance is essentially not real and usually does not produce ownership of production factors "
Based on the opinions of experts above, it can be concluded that the Services are intangible economic activities of a body with the goal of creating and delivering benefits to consumers at a particular time and place, as a result of the act embodying the changes desired within or on behalf of a recipient of services.
Service Marketing Strategy
Service marketing management is the overall planning and implementation of coordinated marketing activities, operations and human resources that are essential to the success of the company services.
When discussing the marketing strategy, then it merits that must be considered is the nature of the services which involves various aspects as well as other strategic elements. There are several variable services marketing strategy is very important in the success of integrated service marketing.
All the component elements of products, performance of services that create value for the consumer.
Time, place and time management implementation services
The process, based on planning measures that have been set.
Productivity and quality
Productivity efficiency is defined as the conversion of inputs into outputs services that add value for consumers. Quality can be measured by the level of consumer satisfaction on services provided.
Productivity and quality should be seen as two sides of the same coin. Improving productivity is very important to keep fixed costs under control. The quality of the services defined consumer, plays an important role for the differentiation of products and for the creation of customer loyalty.
Human resources, consumers often judge the quality of service they receive based on judgment against those who provide such services.
Promotion and Education, are all activities and communication tools that are designed to excite the build customer preference to certain services and service providers. These components play three important roles: to provide information and advice is needed, lure customers about advantages of a target product and encourage customers to take action at a time.
Physical evidence, are visual cues or other tangible evidence of the quality of services provided.
The price and the cost of other services, including spending money, time and effort by consumers to purchase and consume services.
Marketing Services Online
Along with the development of the era forward, shifting from conventional marketing methods towards online marketing system has taken place in recent years. Likewise with marketing strategies that service providers should follow developments in favor of business continuity services. Service marketing activities online has become an obligation for business service providers to market their products and services more broadly. Service marketing activities online can be a heavy burden if you go with the flow and slow are limited the ability of internet marketing.
Terms Of Services
In this case, I cite the opinion of Philip Kotler (2000), which defines services as any action or activity that can be offered by one party to the other party, that is essentially intangible and does not result in ownership of any kind. Production can be associated or not associated with a physical product.
These opinions are supported by Christopher Lovelock & Lauren k. Wright (1999), argues for the "service is the action or performance offered a party to the other party. Though the process may be associated with physical product, its performance is essentially not real and usually does not produce ownership of production factors "
Based on the opinions of experts above, it can be concluded that the Services are intangible economic activities of a body with the goal of creating and delivering benefits to consumers at a particular time and place, as a result of the act embodying the changes desired within or on behalf of a recipient of services.
Service Marketing Strategy
Service marketing management is the overall planning and implementation of coordinated marketing activities, operations and human resources that are essential to the success of the company services.
When discussing the marketing strategy, then it merits that must be considered is the nature of the services which involves various aspects as well as other strategic elements. There are several variable services marketing strategy is very important in the success of integrated service marketing.
All the component elements of products, performance of services that create value for the consumer.
Time, place and time management implementation services
The process, based on planning measures that have been set.
Productivity and quality
Productivity efficiency is defined as the conversion of inputs into outputs services that add value for consumers. Quality can be measured by the level of consumer satisfaction on services provided.
Productivity and quality should be seen as two sides of the same coin. Improving productivity is very important to keep fixed costs under control. The quality of the services defined consumer, plays an important role for the differentiation of products and for the creation of customer loyalty.
Human resources, consumers often judge the quality of service they receive based on judgment against those who provide such services.
Promotion and Education, are all activities and communication tools that are designed to excite the build customer preference to certain services and service providers. These components play three important roles: to provide information and advice is needed, lure customers about advantages of a target product and encourage customers to take action at a time.
Physical evidence, are visual cues or other tangible evidence of the quality of services provided.
The price and the cost of other services, including spending money, time and effort by consumers to purchase and consume services.
Marketing Services Online
Along with the development of the era forward, shifting from conventional marketing methods towards online marketing system has taken place in recent years. Likewise with marketing strategies that service providers should follow developments in favor of business continuity services. Service marketing activities online has become an obligation for business service providers to market their products and services more broadly. Service marketing activities online can be a heavy burden if you go with the flow and slow are limited the ability of internet marketing.